WS Morant Wright Japan Fund
December 2024
    Fund Information
    Fund size
    Fund type
    UK authorised OEIC
    Fund currency
    Launch date
    May 2003
    Geographical location
    100% Japanese equities
    Number of Holdings


    Top Ten Holdings
    Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group3.6
    Sumitomo Mitsui Trust3.4
    Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group3.3
    Tokyo Broadcasting System3.2
    Toyota Industries Corp3.1
    Nippon Television Network3.1
    Concordia Financial Group 3
    Dai-Ichi Life Holdings Inc3
    Honda Motor Co. Ltd2.9
    Sumitomo Electric Industries2.7
    Market Cap%
    Large Cap (>$5b)36.0
    Mid Cap ($1b - $5b)57.5
    Small Cap (< $1b)4.2
    Average PBR0.89
    Median EV/OP* (3/25e)6.7
    Weighted Average P/E (3/25e)11.4
    Net cash as % of market cap*51%

    *Net cash (including investment securities) and EV/OP figures exclude financials

    B Accumulation Shares21.44.36.3-6.30%10.80%
    TOPIX Net Total Return12.3-51.99.10%15.20%

    Please remember that past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of the Fund and any income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of both market and currency fluctuations and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Investors must be willing to accept some risk to their capital. Consequently, the fund may be suitable for investors who are looking to set aside their capital for the longer term (i.e. at least 5 years). Before making an investment in the Fund you must read the KIID which can be obtained from Waystone Management (UK) Limited or ourselves, along with the Fund Prospectus and the latest report and accounts.

    TOPIX Net Total Return is used for the purpose of performance comparison only as it is a widely used benchmark which includes reinvestment of dividends (net of withholding tax) and which most closely reflects the type of companies in which the fund invests. All performance information is calculated by Morant Wright Management Limited using share price data provided by Waystone Management (UK) Limited. Index data are taken from Bloomberg. Performance is given in sterling terms based on the Fund NAV. Data are as at 31st December 2023 and accurate as at that date.

    Fund Administrator
    Waystone Fund Administrators Limited
    Dealing frequency
    Deal cut-off point
    Valuation point

    To deal in shares of the Fund, please click here for the application form or contact Waystone by telephone or in writing
Telephone or Fax:

    Tel: 0345 922 0044
    Fax: 0113 224 6001

    Dealing Department
    Waystone Fund Administrators Limited
    Central Square
    29 Wellington Street
    Leeds LS1 4DL

    A dilution levy, which will normally be between 0.2% and 0.4%, may be applied at the ACD's discretion on purchases or redemptions exceeding 5% of the Net Asset Value of the Fund. This is to cover dealing costs and market impact. For deals of this size, please contact us directly to arrange the subscription or redemption. 

    Share types and fees

    There are no performance fees.

    Share ClassBloomberg CodeSEDOLISINMinimum investmentAMCOCF
    B AccumulationCFMWJAA LN3301012GB0033010124£5,0001.0%1.17%
    B IncomeCFMWJAA LN3359806GB0033598060£5,0001.0%1.17%

    *Net cash and EV/OP figures exclude financials

    Dividend per ‘B’ Income Share (SEDOL 3359806)
    30-Apr-24 (Est.)7.0021

    Subject to certain limited exemptions, the WS Morant Wright Japan Fund is not available for subscription or purchase by persons resident in the United States. Information on the fund is not intended for viewing by US investors.